Glackin Developments was founded by Andrew Glackin in 2002. It is a specialist project development company that has gained prominence for the successful strategy of developing residential and industrial projects in key urban locations around Sydney and the Central Coast. Astute site selection, innovative design and quality construction are the company's hallmarks. Since the Glackin Developments launch in 2002, we have consistently refined our business model and development criteria. We enjoy a competitive edge in projects that include residential subdivisions, medium density townhouses, community title subdivisions, integrated housing as well as industrial developments.
Our philosophy is to acquire sites in strategic locations. Locations that optimise the prospects for substantial capital growth, strong rental demand, locations earmarked for major infrastructure change with a focus on population growth corridors. The enviable result being the majority of all projects built within the last 10 years have been sold out prior to completion.
Our people. We engage only the best. Whether we are selecting a builder, tradesperson, architect, private certifier or engineer, we hand pick only those with a high degree of professionalism and integrity. Property development is not just building; it is creativity, commitment to action, intuition, problem solving, and thinking outside the square. We believe our people and projects reflect this.